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Mitsuru Kurita ,Tsuyoshi Inoue and Yoshiaki Nakamura “Aerodynamic Interaction due to side jet from a blunted cone in Hypersonic Flow”AIAA-2000-4518.
Tsuying Hsieh, Computational and experimental analysis of cross jet interaction flow fields of a bi-conic body at incidences. AIAA-98-2625
Tetsuya Nakamura, Munetsugu Kaneko, Igor Menshov And Yoshiaki Nakamura” Numerical Simulation On Aerodynamic interaction between a side jet and flow around a blunt body in hypersonic flow” AIAA - 2003-1135.
M.Kurita, T.Okada and Y.Nakamura” The Effects of attack angle on side Jet Aerodynamic Interaction in blunted body at Hypersonic Flow.”AIAA 2001-1825.
M.Kurita, T.Okada and Y.Nakamura” The Effects of attack angle on Aerodynamic Interaction due to side jet from a blunted body in a supersonic Flow” AIAA 2001-0261.
Kennedy .K. Walker. B and Mikkelson.C “Jet interaction Effects on a missile with Aerodynamic control surfaces” AIAA Paper 99-0807,January 1999.
B. Srivastava” Computational Analysis and validation for lateral Jet Controlled Missiles “Journal of space craft and rockets” Vol.34, No.5, September-October 1997.
S.F. Gimelshein, A.A. Alexeenko and D.A. Levin “Modeling of the Interaction of a side Jet with a Rarefied Atmosphere “Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets “Vol.39, No.2, March-April 2002.
S.M.Dash , E.R.Perrell , S.Arunajatesan and C.Kannepalli “ Lateral Jet Aerodynamic interaction for dynamic pressure loads” AIAA-2000-2036.
Valerio Viti Joseph Schetz and Reece Neel” Comparison of First and Second Order Turbulence Models for a Jet/3D Ramp Combination in Supersonic Flow” AIAA 2005-1100.