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Year : 2013  |  Volume : 15  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 25-28

Herpes labialis after scaling and root planing: Related event or non-related event

1 Department of Periodontics, University of Benin, Benin-City, Nigeria
2 Department of Periodontics, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin-City, Nigeria

Correspondence Address:
C C Azodo
Room 21, 2nd Floor, Department of Periodontics, Prof. Ejide Dental Complex, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, P.M.B. 1111 Ugbowo, Benin City, Edo State
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Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None

DOI: 10.4103/1595-1103.141390

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Dental treatment may trigger the reactivation and multiplication of latent herpes virus in the trigeminal nerve ganglion, manifesting as herpes labialis. However, the reported dental treatment involved the use of local anesthetic agent either in form of infiltration or block. This article reported two cases of herpes labialis in otherwise healthy 63-year-old female and 40-year-old male after non-surgical periodontal treatment without local anesthesia using ultrasonic and manual scalers, respectively. They were not bothered by the condition and did not request for any specific care. However, warm saline mouthwash, analgesics, antibiotics, and lubricating cream for the angle of mouth without antiviral prescription were recommended. In conclusion, herpes labialis may be considered a potential post scaling and root planing complication of manual and ultrasonic methods after excluding other trigger factors. Authors hereby recommend the following: 1. Minimal chairside time for scaling and employment of adequate precaution geared toward minimizing trauma to the oral mucosa during scaling among younger practitioner. 2. Inclusion of herpes labialis as a complication of scaling and root planing to reduce chances of possible litigation. 3. Prescription of preventive medications 24 hours before dental treatment and continued for two days afterwards.

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