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Year : 2014  |  Volume : 9  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 19-30

Evaluating medicines prices, availability, affordability and price components in Sudan

1 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, National University, Khartoum 11111, Sudan
2 Department of Pharmacology, National University, Khartoum 11111, Sudan

Correspondence Address:
Salah Ibrahim Kheder
National University, Faculty of Pharmacy Khartoum, Sudan, 3783 Khartoum
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DOI: 10.4103/1858-5000.144655

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Background: The aim of this study to measure medicines prices, their availability, affordability and price structure carried out in different sectors in Sudan. Methods: A field study was undertaken in the public and private sector in Sudan from March 2012 to April 2013 using a standardized methodology developed by the (World Health Organization) and (health action international). Results: Based on median price ratio (MPR), the central medical store was procuring lowest priced generics (LPGs) at 1.2 times their international reference price (IRP), while they were selling generics at 2.34 times the IRP. The revolving drug fund was procuring LPGs at 1.55 times IRP, and selling generics at 5.13 times the IRP. In public pharmacies, the median MPR for LPG medicines was 2.99 and 8.03 for originator brands (OBs). In private retail pharmacies, the median MPR is 3.84 for LPGs and 19.37 for OBs. Generic medicines were the predominant products in public and private pharmacy sectors (39.5% and 56.6% respectively), while for OBs were 1.8% in public sector pharmacies and 9.3% for private pharmacy sector. The affordability of LPGs in the public sector was good for half of conditions, with standard treatment costing a days' wage or less for 53.3% of treatments. In the private sector, the affordability of LPGs was similar to the public sector. The government worker would have to work 2.5 days to pay for 1-month of treatment with OB Glibenclamide for diabetes when purchased from private pharmacies, for LPG Glibenclamide he has to pay about half-a day's salary to buy the medicines from public and private sectors. Conclusion: In Sudan, the availability of the surveyed medicines was low in all sectors as both OBs (<10%), and 40-50% as generics depending on the sector. LPGs have been accepted in the country as they are more available than OBs. In both the private and public sectors, considerable price differences were seen between OBs and LPGs. Medicines are often unaffordable for ordinary citizens.

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