Name DOI
corrig. Davis et al. 2012
Name Status
Not Validly Published
Current Authority
corrig. Davis et al. 2012
Preferred Name
Taxonomic Rank
Nomenclatural Type
(designated strain)
Refer to the type exemplar.
Type Strain
representative organism
Proper Form
Phytoplasma australamericanum corrig. Davis et al. 2012
Nomenclatural History
The species Phytoplasma australamericanum was originally described by Davis et al. 2012. Oren et al. corrected this name from Candidatus (sic) to Candidatus .
When referring specifically to this Abstract, please use its Digital Object Identifier.
Name Abstract for Phytoplasma australamericanum corrig. Davis et al. 2012..
Source File


  1. Davis RE, Zhao Y, Dally EL, Jomantiene R, Lee I-M, Wei W, Kitajima EW. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma sudamericanum’, a novel taxon, and strain PassWB-Br4, a new subgroup 16SrIII-V phytoplasma, from diseased passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012; 62:984-989. [PubMed].
  2. Oren A, Garrity GM, Parker CT, Chuvochina M, Trujillo ME. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; 70:3956-4042. [PubMed].
  3. Bertaccini A, Arocha-Rosete Y, Contaldo N, Duduk B, Fiore N, Montano HG, Kube M, Kuo C-H, Martini M, Oshima K, Quaglino F, Schneider B, Wei W, Zamorano A. Revision of the 'Candidatus Phytoplasma' species description guidelines. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:. [PubMed].