
February 1-3, 2006 National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Durham, North Carolina

Taxonomic Databases Working Group GUID-1 Workshop

First International Workshop on Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) for Biodiversity
The NamesforLife model accomodates a variety of synonym types by mapping Information Objects to vertices of the semiotic triangle.
The NamesforLife model accomodates a variety of synonym types by mapping Information Objects to vertices of the semiotic triangle.

George Garrity presents unveils a working prototype of the NamesforLife Information Architecture.

In January, we launched a working prototype of an Information Architecture (IA) based on the NamesforLife (N4L) Model. This architecture provides a transparent information layer to deliver Digital Object Identifier (DOI) services to the life science community. The architecture also implements an ontology with a schema that produces metadata consistent with requirements of the International DOI Foundation (IDF). The initial services will conform to DOI Application Profile (AP) 0.

This test case contains 24,176 first-class objects comprising: Name, Taxon, Exemplar, Nomos, Practitioner, Feature, and Nomenclatural Code. This system is based on a nomenclatural taxonomy, but capable of supporting multiple taxonomic views and “time travel”, which will enable us to track changes in concepts over time.

George Garrity, “Digital Object Identifiers as a technology implementation of a full working prototype of the NamesforLife model

Download Presentation (2.3MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted February 1, 2006.

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