May 28-30, 2008 Westin Copley, Boston, Massachussetts
Society for Scholarly Publishing 2008 Annual Meeting
30th Annual Meeting
George Garrity will be presenting a lecture titled “Say What You Mean: How Semantic Tagging Makes Content More Discoverable, More Useful, and More Valuable” during Seminar 4.
Our next step is to achieve a production-level N4L application (DOI service), which will provide N4L enablement of published STM literature and to investigate other microbiological applications, including a pipeline approach to capture nomenclatural acts and auto-generation of prokaryotic taxonomies. We will also implement a browser plug-in for on-the-fly enablement of web content.
We are actively seeking interested parties to test our tools and concepts.
Download Presentation (5.5MB PowerPoint)
[permalink] Posted May 28, 2008.