
April 2-8, 2009 Paris, France

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity

Seventh Meeting: Ad hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing
To facilitate tracking of biological resources, we recommend adopt a well-developed and widely used PID system that leverages an existing infrastructure and derives support from multiple sources, followed by deployment of light-weight applications that use browser technology for interactive use and publication of Application Program Interfaces to support additional web services.
To facilitate tracking of biological resources, we recommend adopt a well-developed and widely used PID system that leverages an existing infrastructure and derives support from multiple sources, followed by deployment of light-weight applications that use browser technology for interactive use and publication of Application Program Interfaces to support additional web services.

Excerpts from: Studies on the Identification, Tracking and Monitoring of Genetic Resources

After reviewing recent methods of identifying genetic resources directly based on DNA sequences, we have identified methods of tracking and monitoring genetic resources through the use of persistent globally unique identifiers, including practicality, feasibility, costs, and benefits of different options.

Herein, we outline our recommendations for baseline requirements for such a global tracking system to aid users and providers in complying with CBD ABS objectives.

Garrity et al., “Excerpts from: Studies on the Identification, Tracking and Monitoring of Genetic Resources

Download Presentation (2.5MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted April 2, 2009.

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