
June 22, 2011

Intellogist article on NamesforLife

Kristin Whitman from Landon IP has published an article about how NamesforLife adds value to your searches, from the perspective of the patent community.

..there are a number of patents in the green technology collection that include long lists of named species (in some cases redundantly), but fail to specify a given strain that actually performs the claimed invention…Patents that include “laundry lists” of organisms that may or may not perform according to claims (and in fact, may not even exist) open the door to what could be some interesting challenges and counter-claims in the courts dealing with both non-enablement and prior art.

George Garrity, NamesforLife, LLC

Based on this initial analysis from the NamesforLife team, the challenges faced by biological taxonomists directly affect the work of inventors and patent searchers. I think it’s likely that their data may become integrated into more patent and non-patent databases as the value of their work becomes more obvious.

Kristin Whitman, Landon IP

Whitman, K. Biotech patents and their pitfalls: NamesforLife adds value to your biology searches; 2011. Intellogist.

[permalink] Posted June 22, 2011.

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