
April 26, 2013 Tucson, Arizona

Intellectual Property Rights Workshop

University of Arizona
The organization of Information Objects that resolve ambiguity among terms and entities in the NamesforLife model.
The organization of Information Objects that resolve ambiguity among terms and entities in the NamesforLife model.

George Garrity presents an overview of NamesforLife technology, services and data products.

NamesforLife provides web services for editorial offices. These services are designed to have minimal impact on production workflows, by providing multiple access points that can be integrated at any point in a content production workflow.

We also offer consulting services in terminology and taxonomy development, including management of Subject Language Terminology, QA/QC, data cleaning, linking and annotation, and ab-initio development of vocabularies.

We have several professionally curated data products available for licensing, as well as a patented method for serving terms, names and associated information over unique identifiers.

George Garrity, A Brief Overview of NamesforLife DOI-mediated Semantic Services

Download Presentation (436kB PDF)

[permalink] Posted March 24, 2013.

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