
September 7-9, 2005 Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom

eGenomics 2005

eGenomics II: Cataloguing our complete genome collection
Proof-of-concept screenshots of the NamesforLife Information Architecture end points.
Proof-of-concept screenshots of the NamesforLife Information Architecture end points.

George Garrity describes progress on the NamesforLife proof-of-concept and proposes the idea of PhenBank, a phenotypic data repository, at Cambridge.

The currently available taxonomic data sources have an unlimited number of data types, some of which are broadly applicable across all taxa, most of which are not. Some are cumulative, many are comparative. There exist numerous taxon-specific vocabularies, and there are few links to primary literature or original data sets. Existing tools for working with phenotypic data are of variable quality, most are “one-off” and non-interoperable. Fixing these problems has limited public support, since the user bases and data curation varies with economic importance, thus funding is poor to non-existant.

We propose a public repository for phenotypic and taxonomic data that adheres to a common data model and provides a source of interoperable phenotypic data for the Microbiology community.

George Garrity, “PhenBank

Download Presentation (2.8MB PowerPoint)

[permalink] Posted September 7, 2005.

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