Een intellectuele trait d'union. La Revue de Hollande (1915-1918): literaire betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Frankrijk
During the First World War, some Dutch journals were explicitly oriented towards the culture of one of the belligerent nations. In periodicals such as the pro-German weekly De Toekomst (The Future) and the French oriented La Revue de Hollande, Dutch and foreign intellectuals and artists discussed the cultural identity of the Netherlands. This article draws attention to the latter journal. La Revue de Hollande pretended to be an intellectual trait d'union between the Netherlands and France. How did the editors try to achieve that aim? What does a first exploration of this magazine reveal about bilateral periodicals and their circles during the Great War?
How to Cite:
Sanders, M., (2011). Een intellectuele trait d'union. La Revue de Hollande (1915-1918): literaire betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Frankrijk. Tijdschrift voor Tijdschriftstudies. (30), pp.85–93. DOI:
Published on 19 Dec 2011.
Peer Reviewed