Taxon DOI
Gimesi 1924 emend. Hirsch and Skuja 1974 (Approved Lists 1980)
Taxonomic Rank
Nomenclatural Taxonomy [1980-2022]
Incertae sedis taxa are placed using SOSCC (Garrity and Lilburn 2008)
Taxon RecordName Record
Schlesner and Stackebrandt 1987 emend. Dedysh et al. 2020
Gimesi 1924 (Approved Lists 1980)
Schlesner 1990
(ex Hortobágyi 1965) Starr and Schmidt 1984
Hirsch and Müller 1986
(ex Bauld and Staley 1976) Bauld and Staley 1980
Starr et al. 1983
(ex Wawrik 1952) Starr and Schmidt 1984
Type Status
The taxonomic placement of this genus within the root Universal Root.

  Woese et al. 1990
  (None 2015) Woese et al. 1990
  (sic) Garrity and Holt 2021
  (Cavalier-Smith 2002) Ward 2020
  Schlesner and Stackebrandt 1987 emend. Dedysh et al. 2020
  Schlesner and Stackebrandt 1987 emend. Dedysh et al. 2020
  Gimesi 1924 emend. Hirsch and Skuja 1974 (Approved Lists 1980)

The taxonomy from the rank of class and below is based upon currently published taxonomic opinion. For a complete taxonomy, refer to The Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea, Release 7.7.
When referring to this Abstract, please use its Digital Object Identifier.
Taxon Abstract for the genus Planctomyces Gimesi 1924 emend. Hirsch and Skuja 1974 (Approved Lists 1980). Retrieved .
Source File
This information was last reviewed on May 25, 2010.


  1. Hirsch P, Müller M. Planctomyces limnophilus sp. nov., a stalked and budding bacterium from freshwater. Syst Appl Microbiol 1986; 6:276-280.
  2. Starr MP, Schmidt JM. Planctomyces stranskae (ex Wawrik 1952) sp. nov., nom. rev. and Planctomyces guttaeformis (ex Hortobágyi 1965) sp. nov., nom. rev. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1984; 34:470-477.
  3. Gimesi N. Hydrobiologiai talmanyok (Hydrobiologische Studien). I. Planktomyces Bekefii Gim. nov. gen. et sp. Kiadja a Magyar Ciszterci, Budapest, 1924, p. 1-8.
  4. Schlesner H. Planctomyces brasiliensis sp. nov., a halotolerant bacterium from a salt pit. Syst Appl Microbiol 1989; 12:159-161.
  5. Schlesner H, Stackebrandt E. Assignment of the genera Planctomyces and Pirella to a new family Planctomycetaceae fam. nov. and description of the order Planctomycetales ord. nov. Syst Appl Microbiol 1986; 8:174-176.
  6. Bauld J, Staley JT. Planctomyces maris sp. nov., nom. rev. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1980; 30:657-657.
  7. Starr MP, Sayre RM, Schmidt JM. Assignment of ATCC 27377 to Planctomyces staleyi sp. nov. and Conservation of Pasteuria ramosa Metchnikoff 1888 on the Basis of Type Descriptive Material. Request for an Opinion. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1983; 33:666-671.