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   Table of Contents
January-April 2015
Volume 1 | Issue 1
Page Nos. 1-30

Online since Monday, August 10, 2015

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How to Select the Best Possible Supervisor p. 1
Mohsen Rezaeian
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"Bam Earthquake" Versus "Hurricane Katrina": How Scientific Communities have Responded to these Natural Disasters by Publishing Scholarly Articles p. 3
Mohsen Rezaeian
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Evaluating Dietary Perceptions Education Program among Rural Hypertensive Patients on Commitment and Adherence to Healthy Diet p. 7
Aziz Kamran, Aliakbar Shekarchi, Gholamreza Sharifirad, Elham Sharifian, Leila Shekarchi
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Relationships between Adherence to Medication, Patients' Beliefs and Demographic Factors p. 13
Aziz Kamran, Aliakbar Shekarchi, Davar Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi Savadpour
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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nasal Carriage Among Health-care Workers: Decolonization and Follow-up Study Conducted in a Tertiary Care Hospital p. 16
P Thilakavathy, GS Vijaykumar, A Ramesh, Anand B Janagond, T Rajendran, SS Jeremiah, G Vithiya
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Evaluating Life Skills Educational Program and Students' Empowerment: Study Protocol Based on Context, Input, Process, and Product Evaluation Model p. 20
Shervin-sadat Hashemian-Esfahani, Parastoo Golshiri, Ali-asghar Asadollahi Shahir, Elham Mozafarianpour, Arash Najimi
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Life Skills Training Programs and Empowerment of Students in Schools: Development, Reliability and Validity of Context, Input, Processes, and Product Evaluation Model Scale p. 26
Shervin-sadat Hashemian-Esfahani, Arash Najimi, Ahmadreza Zamani, Ali-asghar Asadollahi Shahir, Nahid Geramian, Parastoo Golshiri
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